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How to Use the Magimix Thermo Cooker Cook Expert ?

Categories : Products

Are you struggling to understand exactly what the Cook Expert does? Fear not! In this blog article, we will break down the main elements of the machine so you can get cooking like a pro in no time. 

The Cook Expert is equipped with over 14 automatic programmes to make things as simple an d easy as possible. For example, the CREAMED SOUP programme will stir, cook, then blend your ingredients for you all in a span of 30 minutes, while the STIR FRY program will stir intermittently and cook at a high temperature for 7 minutes. These automatic programmes come in handy when you know exactly what you want and don't want to think. 

All these automatic programmes play with three main elements, which you can also do using the manual EXPERT mode. 





TIME - Adjust the time from 5 seconds to 4 hours.

6 seconds to chop vegetables before sautéing.

20 seconds to shred cooked meats.

2 minutes to knead dough.

10 minutes to steam fish.

20 minutes for stir-free, risotto.

4 hours for slow cooking the most tender meat or fermenting homemade creamy yogurt.

SPEED - Adjust the Speed from 0 to 18

Speed 0 or no stirring is perfect for delicate fish recipes, proving dough, sous vide for the perfect steak or used as a large pot for cooking spaghetti. 

Speed 1A will gently stir for a few seconds every 2 minutes. Use 1A when searing meat, slow-cooking, for stews or casseroles and sautéing on low heat.

2A gently stirs every 10 seconds, creating a similar action to regularly stirring with a wooden spoon. 2A is great for risottos, porridge, rice pudding and sautéing on medium heat.

Speed 3 is continuous stirring at the lowest speed and is perfect for jam making, béchamel sauce, whisking smooth mashed potato and sautéing on higher heat.

Speeds 6 to 15 are great for roughly chopping ingredients before cooking in the Cook Expert. The speed will depend on the softness of the ingredient.

Speed 6 for roughly chopped mushrooms.

Speed 13 for roughly chopped carrot or onion.

Speed 15 for grating hard cheeses and chocolate.

Speed 18 is used for high-speed blending which will create an ultra-smooth consistency, Speed 18 also enables you to grind and mill hard items. Grind spice into a powder, make icing sugar from castor or granulated sugar, or mill grains into flour

TEMPERATURE - With the Cook Expert, you can adjust the temperature to the degree from as low as 30 degrees to as high as 140 degrees on the Expert programme and 160 degrees on Stir-Fry mode

at 30 degrees you can consistently proof dough

46 and 31 degrees to temper chocolate

73 degrees for hollandaise

75 degrees for Swiss meringue

82 degrees for crème analgise

90 degrees to slow cook

95 degrees to confit

120 degrees to sauté and for candy making

140 degrees to fry meat

160 degrees for stir fry

The Cook Expert enables you to be in control and it enables you to create any combination of Time, Speed and Temperature to produce precise consistent results with minimal effort.

In addition, only the Magimix Cook Expert comes with a full food processor attachment, which also allows you to chop, slice, grate and more all in one machine.