image juice         THE BEST WAY TO EXTRACT JUICE

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Combining Magimix’s passion and know-how, the Juice Expert focuses on delivering healthy and nutritious juices, milks and smoothies everyday with ease. Thanks to its patented technologies, the Juice Expert’s cold pressed juices that are richer in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and essential nutrients.

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COLD PRESS: maintains temperature ensuring nutrients are preserved


Temperature of ingredients measured after cold pressing (green smoothie recipe: mango, apple, carrot, kale) against Magimix Juice Expert using the Extra Press.

Source: Comparative analyses carried out by ISHA Laboratories in May 2016

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Yield (in g) measured for 500g carrots after cold pressing and filtering.

Source: Comparative analyses carried out by ISHA Laboratories in 2018 image juice

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The Juice Expert extracts 75% Iron, +36% vitamin A and +67% vitamin B than the high speed juice extractor.

Vitamin and mineral levels of each juice was measured after cold pressing (green smoothie recipe: mango, apple, carrot, kale and celery) against Magimix Juice Expert using the Extra Press.

Sources: Comparative analyses carried out by ISHA Laboratories in May 2016 image juice

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LOW OXIDATION, increased shelf life

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Internal test conducted on a tomato juice (330g tomatoes)
High speed juice extractor vs. Magimix Juice Expert using the Extra Press
Picture taken 30 minutes after the extraction.

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JUICE EXPERT : Higher yield with cold press and more vitamins and minerals retained

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The Juice Expert extracts a higher yield (up to 96%), more anti-oxidants (up to 95%) and more vitamins (up to 85%)

Performance measured: juice yield (4kg hulled strawberries), vitamin yield (green smoothie recipe: mango, apple, carrot, kale and celery) and antioxidant yield (strawberry coulis) carried out against Magimix Juice Expert using the Extra Press.

Sources: Comparative analyses carried out by ISHA Laboratories in May 2016 image juice