Veggie carrot cake

250 g of carrots
100 g of light brown sugar
60 g of coconut oil
150 ml of almond milk
100 g of apple sauce
1 tsp of vanilla extract
230 g of plain flour
75 g of dried raisins
75 g of nuts
1 pinch of salt
1 pinch of cinnamon
1 sachet of baking powder (11 g)
45 ml of yellow lemon juice
1 zest of yellow lemon
3 tbsp of icing sugar
100 g of nuts
3 tbsp of water
Associated products
- 100 g of nuts
- 250 g of carrots

- 250 g of carrots
- 100 g of light brown sugar
- 60 g of coconut oil
- 230 g of plain flour
- 1 pinch of cinnamon
- 1 sachet of baking powder (11 g)
- 150 ml of almond milk
- 100 g of apple sauce
- 1 tsp of vanilla extract

- 75 g of dried raisins
- 75 g of nuts
- 45 ml of yellow lemon juice
- 3 tbsp of icing sugar
- 100 g of nuts
- 3 tbsp of water